Leaves ofSwiss chard, blancheduntil pliable and vibrant,make wrappers for parcels of a brown-rice filling enriched with ricotta;spoonfuls offresh tomato...
Ever-popular sweet potatoes team up with an underrated root vegetable in this silky mash: peppery rutabaga. Garlic and sage cooked in butter, plus a generous...
This lentil curry is creamy, rich, healthy and very easy to make. If you have never tried lentil curry, you must try this coconut lentil curry! This is...
The caramel apple takes a sophisticated turn in this dessert. Baked with butter, sugar, ginger, and cinnamon, the fruit goes soft and spicy before you...
The vegetable retains some texture and has none of that sulfury taste and mushiness of cabbage that has been improperly cooked. This also makes a great...
Pimenton, or smoked paprika, gives these potatoes an unexpected flavor. Any of the several varieties of the spice -- ranging from sweet to hot -- will...
Try this sweet-and-peppery butter on broiled or grilled white fish, on grilled steak or chicken, on corn on the cob or boiled potatoes, or with boiled...
Best served warm, these fragrant, golden Apple Fritters are by turns tender, crisp, and fruity. A simpler (no-yeast) alternative to sufganiyot-the traditional...
The secret to making these peanuts is to carefully follow the visual cues at each step of the recipe. You want to achieve just the right balance between...
This oven-roasted asparagus and leek recipe is simply delicious. If thick asparagus is unavailable, use thin spears, and adjust the cooking time; thin...
Garlicky, buttery sauteed Brussels sprouts are brightened with fresh lemon juice and finished with toasted walnuts in this tasty Thanksgiving side dish....
This quick sauce does an excellent job of tying the components of this pork chop dinner together. It's also excellent over mixed greens, or tossed with...
Roasted garlic is also good spread on bread and stirred into sauces or vinaigrettes. Make an extra head or two; it will keep, tightly wrapped, in the refrigerator...
Hunks of sweet potato and cauliflower soak up a creamy sauce of garlic, ginger, onion, coconut milk, and red curry paste in this colorful vegetarian main....
Cumin, coriander, and cayenne pepper complement sweet roasted acorn squash in this easy side dish. Try it with Roasted Pork with Onions and Citrus or Parmesan...
This sauce comes out bright with a bite, thanks to sweet steamed beets and fiery fresh horseradish root. Dab it on to favorites like corned beef, roasted...